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Samarth Samuday Pariyojana
The Samarth Samuday Pariyojna aims to improve health and disaster resilience in 10 villages of Kaiserganj, Bahraich district. Due to...

Strengthening Local Self Governance
This project aims to strengthen grassroots democratic institutions in Garhwa District, Jharkhand, focusing on 14 Gram Panchayats in...

"Sakshar Samuday Project"
The initiative mobilizes communities to promote adult literacy through Community Literacy Volunteers (CLVs), offering functional literacy...

Revitalizing the power of Indian Civil Society Organizations SAKSHAM is a capacity building project designed with the aim to strengthen...

SBI Sammaan – Hom(e)age to the National Heroes
This project aims to honor national heroes by carrying out developmental activities in their hometowns through "SBI Sammaan – Hom(e)age...

Mainstreaming the indigenous knowledge and practices for flood resilience
The project aims to enhance resilience in flood-prone communities of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar by integrating indigenous knowledge into...

Strengthening the participation of adolescents in GPDP through Bal Sabha
Demonstration of LSDGs focusing on CFGP and strengthened participation of adolescents in GPDP through Bal Sabha 2023-2024 Location:...

Empowering Tribal communities to access public service deliveries and claim their entitlements.
Strengthening and Empowering Tribal communities to access public service deliveries and claim their entitlements and forest rights by...

Functional Literacy For Dignity and Entitlement
To empower illiterate rural women from marginalized communities through a holistic functional literacy program for dignity and entitlements.

Coalition on Child Rights andDevelopment (CCRD)
Capacity building of teachers in innovative and effective teaching methods, mobilising community participation and strengthening SMCs

Skill Enhancement Programme for Teachers (SEPT)
Capacity building of teachers in innovative and effective teaching methods, mobilising community participation and strengthening School...

URMI, a women-led enterprise
URMI is a women-led rural enterprise, a growing MSME developed and supported by Sahbhagi Shikshan Kendra.

Kosi River Disaster Risk Reduction
Support the most impoverished and marginalized communities affected by annual flood along the Kosi River

Migration Support Program (Service Delivery for Construction Workers)
Uplift Social and Economic status of Migrants and their families with equal opportunities..

Kadam Badhate Chalo
Initiate a youth-led campaign to end violence against women. Support youth leadership and provide them with knowledge and skill to initiate

Holistic Rural Development Program (HRDP)
Holistic Rural Development Program (HRDP) aims to improve the condition of the people residing in the targeted village through a systematic

Holistic Rural Initiative for Development Action & Yield (HRIDAY) aims to intervene the tribal communities in the areas of quality education

Navparivartan – Promoting inclusive village development through sustainable interventions
Improving the living condition of the people residing in the different villages by focusing on different aspects of development..

Developing model GPDP through integration of sector specific inputs and DRR
Developing demonstration model, handholding and Implementing GPDP in 10 pachayats focusing on women and child friendly panchayats and DRR

Community preparedness against COVID-19 and localizing SDGs at Panchayat level
Developing demonstration model for community preparedness against COVID-19 and localizing Sustainable Development Goals at Panchayat level
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