Capacity building of teachers in innovative and effective teaching methods, mobilising community participation and strengthening School Management Committees.
Gorakhpur & Siddharth Nagar, UP
Supported by
Give India & ICICI foundation
SSK has initiated a project- “Skill Enhancement Programme for
Teachers (SEPT)” in the districts of Gorakhpur and Siddharth Nagar. Its aim is to promote quality education in government schools through capacity building of teachers in innovative and effective teaching methods, mobilising community participation and strengthening School Management Committees.
·To enhance pedagogical skills in 300 teachers by providing training and handholding support.
·To benefit around 10,000 students as eventual beneficiaries by achieving learning outcomes.
·To sensitize and strengthen School Management Committees (SMCs) and make them active and aware about their roles and
·To provide technical and handholding support to SMCs in preparing School Development Plan (SDPs) of selected schools.
·To sensitize and engage communities in order to improve the quality of education in schools and create a conducive environment in the communities for children's education.
In Figures