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Program Centers

SSK follows a two-ways approach to fulfil its vision and mission. On the one hand, it works as a support organization and is involved in the capacity building of civil society organizations, community-based organizations and other stakeholders through training and knowledge support. On the other hand, it works directly with the communities on various developmental issues in the field. To carry forward processes as per the strategy, SSK has two separate program centres.

Centre for Knowledge Promotion and Skill Development (CKPSD)

This centre encompasses two basic functions. Firstly, it works on the capacity building programs of CSOs and other stakeholders through training on various thematic subjects and knowledge support. Secondly, it is involved in various livelihood enhancement and skill development especially for youth.

Centre for Community Participation & Learning (CCPL)

This centre manages direct field level interventions at different locations (Experimentation Sites) on various developmental issues. The idea behind it is to develop an understanding on particular issues and consolidate learning and experiences in order to share it with other CSOs and stakeholders and initiate a process of advocacy with the government for a systematic change.

NGO Management

Resources and training for Social entrepreneurs and community leaders to develop & scale social change institutions


Capacity building on  livelihood sectors for SHGs, farmers, rural entrepreneurs and youth.


Core training on local governance, frontline workers and leadership training for elected women & men at Panchayat level.

Skill development

Vocational training, skill-building for youth support including job fairs and placement drives

Participatory training

Developing trainers to imbibe participatory philosophy of training and development


functional literacy
and skilling

Quality education and lifelong learning for children, and adults is the route to empowerment. SSK has been working with children, youth, women and men providing them quality and functional education

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SSK has been working with the communities on Water & sanitation, and water resource management in remote rural as well as poor urban areas.

Water & Sanitation


Reintegration, Social Security & Justice

Identifying needs for immediate action and providing assistance through social security linkages to vulnerable communities like migrant laborers and their families, ultrapoor, unemployed & low skilled workers.

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Sustainable Livelihood

Identifying needs for immediate action and providing assistance through social security linkages to vulnerable communities like migrant laborers and their families, ultrapoor, unemployed & low skilled workers.


Community Health & Nutrition

Community engagement for long-term health improvement in villages with a focus on maternal and child health, reproductive health and communicable diseases


Disaster Risk Reduction

Community resilience against frequent calamities in the flood and drought prone regions.


Upcoming Events

Completed Events

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