There are countless remote locations where communities strive to sustain themselves in the extreme dearth of the most basic amenities. SSK has developed a localized approach in addressing the development holistically in such areas to ensure getting these communities pulled out of destitution once and for all. The approach towards a sustainable village includes addressing social, cultural, and economic aspects within the communities. SSK's Holistic Development Model brings amalgamates education, health including maternal & child health, water hygiene & sanitation, curative health, agriculture, animal husbandry skill development, and livelihoods. Socio-cultural aspects being addressed include social stigmas, domestic violence, child marriage, women empowerment, and social taboos.

Navparivartan – Promoting inclusive village development through sustainable interventions
Palamu, Jharkhand
Improving the living condition of the people residing in the different villages by focusing on different aspects of development related to empowerment (social, educational and financial), heath and infrastructure.
Supported by
LIC Housing Finance Limited (CSR)

Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India
Holistic Rural Development Program (HRDP) aims to improve the condition of the people residing in the targeted village through a systematic effort focusing on different aspect of development related to empowerment (social, educational and financial), heath and infrastructure.
Supported by
HDFC Bank CSR, Mumbai